Whistleblower Protection Act

The Hirschvogel Group stands for law-abiding behavior and integrity. We expect this from all our employees. If you observe violations of legal requirements by our employees in connection with their professional activities or receive information about such violations, you can report these confidentially via the whistleblower system linked below.


Your report will be processed there by experienced compliance experts. You can submit reports anonymously or provide personal details (e.g., name, email address, telephone number). You can find more information on the handling of personal data in our privacy policy whistleblower system.

Contact form

If you wish to remain anonymous, we can communicate with you via a special email system, e.g., in the event of queries regarding your report. In any case, we assure you that your report will be processed in strict confidence.


Please understand that you will not be contacted personally. A 24-hour hotline is not possible for geographical and organizational reasons. However, we guarantee that your complaint/report will be processed immediately.


Alternatively, you also have the option of contacting our compliance experts by email.

Of course, you can also contact external public reporting offices. Further information can be found at  http://www.bundesjustizamt.de/hinweisgeberstelle. Before submitting a report to an external reporting office, please consider submitting an internal report; in many cases, effective action can be taken internally against a violation.


The Hirschvogel Group is committed to protecting against disadvantage and discrimination. This applies in particular to employees as whistleblowers or to employees who are involved in investigating reports. The presumption of innocence applies to employees who are accused of a breach of the rules as long as the breach is not confirmed.